
CCSDS 131.2-B Receiver IP Core

Keywords: 16-/32-/64-/128-/256-APSK, 8PSK, ASIC, CCSDS 131.2-B, Decoder, Demodulator, FPGA, IP Core, Microsemi PolarFire RT, QPSK, Receiver, Satellite Downlink, SCCC, Telemetry, Xilinx XQRKU060

The CCSDS 131.2-B Receiver IP Core is a complete solution to implement the core functions of a receiver compliant with the CCSDS 131.2-B standard: this standard has been conceived for Low Earth Observation mission with high data rate (more than 2 Gbps) and its primary application is to provide a complete solution for the implementation of a low-cost receiver based on commercial FPGAs to be used into the Ground Stations (Downlink application).

The main functions covered by the IP Core include the signal processing of the I/Q digital baseband signal, carrier frequency and phase recovery, timing recovery, demodulation of all the 27 Modulation and Coding formats (ModCods) from QPSK to 8PSK and 16-, 32- and 64-APSK, and decoding based on Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SCCC). In addition, the IP Core is suitable for integration into space qualified FPGA for the implementation of Uplink/Forward links application.

The CCSDS 131.2-B Receiver IP Core has been developed within the framework of an ESA project.

Key features

  • Fully compliant with CCSDS 131.2-B-1 standard
  • Baseband I/Q signal as input frequency phase and timing recovery loops
  • Carrier acquisition and tracking with doppler effect up to 6.5 kHz/s of doppler rate
  • Implementation loss lower than 2 dB with respect to performances reported in CCSDS 130.1-G-1 at CER 10-4 for ModCods based on 64-APSK with AWGN Doppler and phase noise
  • Standard interfaces for easy integration based on AXI Lite and AXI Stream standard
  • Optional mitigation techniques to safely operate in space environment: EDAC on internal memories Dead-lock free FSM design with one-hot encoding
  • Ground (Downlink) target applications: all the 27 ModCods in a single instantiation based on commercial FPGAs (e.g.; Intel Stratix 10; Xilinx ZynQ/Virtex UltraScale+)
  • Space (Uplink) target applications: optimized configuration targeting FPGAs for space (e.g.; Microchip PolarFire RT; Xilinx Kintex Ultrascale XQRKU060)
  • Coded in technology-independent highly configurable VHDL
  • Validation on commercial Xilinx VCU118 development kit for Downlink
  • Dynamically configurable baud rate up to 500 MBaud

Other information


  • CCSDS 131.2-B


  • FPGA/ASIC design
  • IP Core design
  • Verification
  • Digital signal processing

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