EasyTeleMed is a flexible, configurable and customizable telemedicine platform, for different healthcare systems and patients, for the remote monitoring of…
EasyTeleMed Professional v. Point of Care is the version of EasyTeleMed Professional, the CE-certified mobile application of…
EasyTeleMed EMR Plus (Cloud) is the CE certified web based platform of EasyTeleMed (class II/A medical device according to EU Medical…
EasyTeleMed Professional is the CE-certified mobile application of EasyTeleMed (class II/A medical device according to EU Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745)…
EasyTeleMed Home is the CE-certified mobile application of EasyTeleMed (class II/A medical device according to EU Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745)…
AIRCARDIO (Innovative approach for congenital cardiopathy) is a project co-financed by POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020 – Strategic research and development…
SatNav E@syCare is an IngeniArs project developed with the European Space Agency in response to the COVID-19 crisis. It…
We are thrilled to announce that IngeniArs has been recognized as a “Leader of Growth 2025” by Il Sole 24…
Only 12 days left to the Healthcare Innovation Summit hosted by Bamberg Health in Milan, May 10th 2023. We will go…
Our solution EasyTeleMed can also be applied together with AI algorithms for the remote monitoring of…
IngeniArs Telemedicine Division will exhibit at the Arab Health Exhibition from 30 Jan. to 2 Feb., Dubai World Trade Center…
We sincerely thank all the amazing people we had the pleasure to meet at MEDICA 2022, Düsseldorf. A special thank…
Looking forward to meeting you at MEDICA Trade Fair taking place in Düsseldorf on 14-17 November 2022. MEDICA is one…
IngeniArs telemedicine Platfom EasyTeleMed has been recently certified as II/A medical device according to the Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745. That is…
We are very excited about our participation to FIME 2022 in Miami! It was a great occasion to meet new…
IngeniArs has been selected amongst top 20 European innovators in the medical field to join FIME…
We are happy to announce our participation to Exposanità Bologna, 11th-13th May 2022. Exposanità is one…
Take a moment to watch our new corporate video available on our YouTube channel:…
We are so honoured to have been awarded First Prize at “Innovation Award Toscana 2021”, after winning Second Prize in…
IngeniArs SatNav E@syCare telemedicine system has been used by healthcare personnel to remotely monitor and cure over 2.000 patients between…
The new University of Pisa Spin-off website is now available online: spinoff.unipi.it IngeniArs profile is…
IngeniArs SatNav E@syCare platform has been recently used by doctors and nurses of Valdinievole area USCA team (ASL Toscana Centro)…
We are so excited to announce that IngeniArs new website is finally online! Discover more about our technologies,…
IngeniArs ex-CEO, Professor Luca Fanucci, has been interviewed by the Tuscany Life Sciences Cluster about IngeniArs and its engagement for…
As University of Pisa Spin-off, IngeniArs is very proud of having cooperated with the Information Engineering Department (DII) of the…
After 5 years of Professor Luca Fanucci’s great leadership, Giuseppe Gentile becomes the new CEO of the company. We are happy to…
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