IngeniArs will exhibit at Exposanità 2022, 11th-13th May

We are happy to announce our participation to Exposanità Bologna, 11th-13th May 2022. Exposanità is one of the most important exhibition in the field of healthcare and assistance, leading the change in the future of the healthcare system.
We strongly believe in innovation and digitalization thanks to our telemedicine solutions. Our product EasyTeleMed™ is designed to accelerate, organize and make easier the remote monitoring of the patient’s health status. The system is addressed to hospitals, Local Health Authorities (ASL), pharmacies, public and private institutions, telemedicine service centers and nursing homes. It has already been deployed by Local Health Authorities in the frame of COVID-19 emergency to remotely manage the vital parameters of patients and prevent hospitalization.
Looking forward to meeting you at BolognaFiere, Hall 31 – Stand C39!
For more information , email us at, we will be pleased to have you at our stand as a guest.