SatNav E@syCare used by ASL TC to assist COVID-19 patients

IngeniArs SatNav E@syCare platform has been recently used by doctors and nurses of Valdinievole area USCA team (ASL Toscana Centro) to manage remotely over 450 COVID-19 patients, both at home and in health-hotels of Montecatini Terme.
USCA Doctor Maria Orsi expains that the SatNav E@syCare platform has greatly helped the USCA team to follow the numerous patients affected by COVID-19. The system has made it possible to speed up the daily monitoring of all patients, avoiding manual transcriptions of vital parameters. Also, it has allowed the use of a digital medical record where all the information on the clinical course can be collected and consulted by computer or mobile devices.
The entire article is available here (Italian version).
SatNav E@syCare is a project co-financed by European Space Agency in response to COVID-19 emergency. Discover more at our Healthcare webpage.