
IngeniArs ex-CEO, Professor Luca Fanucci, has been interviewed by the Tuscany Life Sciences Cluster about IngeniArs and its engagement for the healthcare sector. Indeed, IngeniArs has developed an innovative system for the remote monitoring of chronical patients called E@syCare. The system has been used also for the COVID-19 emergency to monitor patients health conditions remotely, with positive results and feedback from doctors. We are honoured for being interviewed by the Tuscany Life Sciences Cluster and we thank the organizers for their interest in IngeniArs. Read the entire interview at https://bit.ly/3aq3iId. To get to know more about IngeniArs E@syCare system, visit the Healthcare division at our website.
The Tuscany Life Sciences Cluster is the regional cluster that brings together public and private stakeholders (enterprises, research institutions, business centers, foundations, healthcare facilities) operating in the sectors of Biotechnology, Pharmaceutics, Medical Devices, ICT for health, Nutraceuticals. Read more at http://www.scienzedellavita.it/en